NEHAA – North East division of East Coast HAA chapter – celebrated festival of lights “Deepavali” (Diwali) on recently, hosted by Shubha Hegde at their house.
Checkout Photos and Video
Here is a message from hostess Shubha Hegde to all at NEHAA family:
Dear All,
Thanks for joining us to celebrate Deepavali at our home. It was a pleasure to have you all. To those who couldn’t attend, we missed you.
During the celebration we selected Fall photograph contest winners. Bhakti Hegde won the 1st prize, Shreya Hegde won 2nd prize and Ashika Bhat seized the 3rd. We are very proud of all participants for their efforts. I personally thank all parents for encouraging their children.
We also collected non-perishable food items as a part of HAA Volunteer day initiative. Thanks to those who donated (see attached). It will be delivered to Community food bank of NJ on 11/26/16. We still one week left if you want send the check.
Deepavali Gift swap was great fun. It was very well received and enjoyed by everyone.
Please take a moment to enjoy the photos and videos of the event. Photo courtesy by Gopal Bhat and Videos by Anand Hegde.
Next get-together will be Nehaa’s Winter snow tubing event sometime in February. Be ready for another fun filled event with NEHAA……
Shubha Hegde